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through Design  

When I started in design, the world was a very different place, as was I. What I thought I knew then versus what I know now is exponentially different. Evolving and maturing my knowledge, business acumen and skill-set to focus on driving impact and change.


The world is constantly changing; designers need adaptive skills to help solve the complex problems we are faced with.

Designers like myself are adaptive learners and makers - who can play different functions within specific roles depending on which 'mode' they are in, based on what the problem-space is.

Most of the work I do is operating in niche B2B industries and problem spaces that are unsexy, where complexity is high and technical knowledge is paramount, so you have to learn quickly almost becoming a subject matter expert to adapt your process knowledge to effciently get the outcomes needed and the desired impact. 

The value you get when you engage someone like myself is a designer well versed in the nuances, complexities and dynamics of innovation, product development, and the practicalities of commercial creativity.

The Professional Me


Patrick William Meehan

Growth Product Designer

As a designer combining specialist experience in B2B/B2B2C Digital Ventures I operate at the nexus of experience design, business, growth and strategic product management. Meaning whether you want to enhance a feature, or optimise a product for success, or transform a product entirely, shift your business to remain competitive, or aspire to disrupt the market. My influence and focus by design is on creating change which adds value.

That means I'm a designer that comes with a little bit extra as far as skills go but always commercially-minded. I've pieced together this adaptive skill-set and experience from manoeuvring between roles, different problem-spaces, org cultures and industry sectors to build a dexterity that I can apply to almost any problem to provide commercial impact and strategic value. My modus operandi is to use design to ‘make sense’ and ‘make change.'

• The role I play• The role I play• The role I play• The role I play• The role I play• The role I play• The role I play• The role I play

How I Work

The different 
functions, roles & modes


On my journey through the realm of design, I've come to the realisation that the modern designer defies the constraints of bygone days' traditional roles. It's a nuanced pursuit, demanding time, guidance, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, cognition, and a shared lexicon. Mastery doesn't materialise overnight, nor is it cultivated through conventional career paths. Instead, it's a labyrinthine odyssey, requiring unwavering dedication to craft and refine one's expertise.

In my quest for proficiency, I've embraced an integrated approach to design—one that empowers me to bridge disparate functions within organisations, assuming a pivotal role in shaping outcomes. It's a gratifying evolution that I hold in high esteem.

If nurtured correctly, the modern designer is more than a mere creator; they're a problem-solver, a catalyst for change, and a craftsman, seamlessly navigating between these multifaceted functions. This is the ethos I embody, the creed that guides my practice.

Designer as problem-solver, facilitator, change agent and maker 

In today's landscape, the expectations placed upon designers have undergone a metamorphosis. We're tasked with crafting solutions that cater to diverse value systems, appeal to an array of customer personas, while also considering product life cycles, technological leaps, market volatilities, and shifting customer/ user preferences. Success demands a repertoire of skills more extensive than ever before, enabling us to adeptly manoeuvre within this ever-evolving paradigm.

What's essential is our ability to fluidly transition between different 'functions and roles' within this dynamic environment, poised as actants in a narrative depending on which 'mode' we need to be in—to 'make sense; create clarity and shape meaning' or 'make change; create impact, optimise or transform.'

Read more about it here

Designer as Problem Solver

A person who possesses the ability to think critically, embraces ambiguity, welcomes new perspectives, and harnesses their imagination to generate inventive solutions.


Designer as Facilitator

A person who advises, directs and nurtures inclusive and collabrative environments.

Designer as Change Agent

A person who helps to influence, catalyze and drive improvements, transformations, or inspire disruption.


Designer as Maker

A person who combines creativity and craftsmanship to conceive and produce thoughtful and appealing creations.

The Personal Me

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Patrick William Meehan

Creative Neo-Generalist

I embrace the concept of neo-generalism, weaving together the myriad of my interests and facets to create the most authentic version of myself. Central to my identity is a passion for creative intelligence, driving me along diverse paths of exploration and growth.

My hobbies reflect my quest for self-improvement. Whether practising martial arts since my teenage years for personal transformation, refining biomechanics like iterating on a product, or expressing myself through new media art and music, I'm always evolving, and seek understanding and knowledge firsthand - by doing - which means I put a lot of emphasis on experiences. 

Beyond my professional endeavours, I apply the same principles of design to craft my own life, seeking change, growth, and authenticity at every turn.

Creating change that drives growth


Read cv: @patrickwmeehan
Dribble: @pwm
Medium: @patrickwmeehan
Instagram: @pwmdesign

© Patrick William Meehan 2024

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